The Regina Corona automatic disc changing music box was capable of playing twelve 27" records, either in succession or through individual selection of the tune. The discs raised and lowered themselves into place, an entertaining musical spectacle controlled by a fantastic mechanical sequence of cams, gears and mainsprings.
This particular machine had been taken apart and restored by a well known restorer in the midwest in the mid 1980s. Everything inside the case was pristine clean and spotless, indicating that it had been little played since then. We lubricated some of the critical parts and made some minor adjustments, and this changer is now running as it should. This is a nice bonus, as restoration of these machines can be complex, time-consuming and expensive.
The machine has a serial number of 65744, indicating that it probably dates to 1907-1908.
The original finish golden oak case is in very nice condition. The case still carries a decal from the original retail seller in St. Paul. This is one of the few examples found that has a solid wood rather than a glass bottom panel. This particular model never had a gallery on the top.
Mechanically the combs are very clean, leads and dampers in good condition. The little bar you may see across the comb in the picture is a banjo attachment, controlled by a lever on the right hand side of the case. The original coin mechanism is complete and yields one play for a nickel.
Restored, working, perhaps the ultimate in a Regina music box. What else is there to say?
Lynn Bilton
Box 435
Randolph,OH 44265
330 325-7866
We buy, sell, and repair antique phonographs and music boxes.
Pick-up and delivery possible in many parts of the midwest,south, and northeast.
Mechanical music
for sale