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La Grove and Webb Dancing Automaton
a second thumbnail of La Grove and Webb Dancing Automatona third thumbnail of La Grove and Webb Dancing Automatona fourth thumbnail of La Grove and Webb Dancing Automatona fifth thumbnail of La Grove and Webb Dancing Automatona sixth thumbnail of La Grove and Webb Dancing Automaton

La Grove and Webb Dancing Automaton for sale


A dancing doll automaton manufactured by La Grove and Webb, NYC. This piece of Black Americana dates to the 1870s.

The clockwork motor winds up and is working. The figurine appears to have her original clothes, in very nice condition. The original La Grove and Webb label is still inside the case.

We tried to reconstruct the wire between the doll and case and have had her dancing, but not consistently -- someone would have to put the proper bend and length to this wire.

The rosewood case is in very nice condition and measures approximately 8 inches by 4 inches. With the doll on top, the height would be approximately 11 inches.

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