Among the very rarest of cylinder Graphophones, this second version of the Home Grand (HG) was introduced in 1900 at a price of $100. The ornate case and six spring motor distinguish it from the earlier, more commonly seen version.
This is an original, untouched, unrestored example in very good original condition. The motor is working but the machine has the usual pot metal problems with the feed engagement castings so that aspect of the drive is not working. The black chassis on this machine is not pot metal; a magnet sticks to it. Nickel plate and flowers are very clean.
Includes one special 5 inch cylinder.
Lynn Bilton
Box 435
Randolph,OH 44265
330 325-7866
We buy, sell, and repair antique phonographs and music boxes.
Pick-up and delivery possible in many parts of the midwest,south, and northeast.
Mechanical music
for sale