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Columbia client machine
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Columbia Client Machine, Working - Unrestored for sale

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You'll never know who sold this machine or under what name. Collectors sometimes refer to it as a Columbia client machine. It's a disc Graphophone that was manufactured by Columbia, using stock Columbia components, but in an unmarked case. Possibly it was sold by a local merchant or department store.

These mystery machines turn up from time to time to baffle beginning collectors. But regardless of whom the retail outlet was, the good news is that these Graphophones are easy to get parts for because they contain standard Columbia motors, mainsprings, governor weights, etc.

This example is unrestored, but working and playing well as you can hear by clicking on the mp3 file.

There is a small litany of minor detriments, part of the history of the machine, which I should note in the interest of a complete description.

Crank is old but not original. There is some roughness and separation on the panels that comprise the motor board. There was originally a wooden ring around the turntable. Lid release button/assembly is missing. Reproducer screws line up with the tone arm, but I am certain the reproducer was changed to one off a later Victrola type machine.

The horn has been repainted. I can't tell you if the horn is original, because you'll never discover a catalogue showing this machine, but I can tell you that this is the size and style of horn employed on other Columbia derivative machines.

Something old and genuinely antique, a working example of early 20th century technology that will play 78rpm shellac records, and at a modest price.

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