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Edison Amberola 30
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Edison Amberola 30 - Restored for sale


The Amberola 30 was one of a series of Amberola models introduced after the great factory fire of 1914 -- the 30 referred to its original price in dollars.

Though not rare, the Amberola 30 in its compact case, and with a direct drive mechanism, is an excellent, convenient way to play Edison's Blue Amberol cylinders.

This model especially benefits from a restoration, as grease and dirt tend to accumulate on the upperworks and cause the mandrel to bind while playing.

I have taken this machine totally apart and put it back together. All the gearing has been cleaned, inspected, lubricated and adjusted. The governor worm has been polished. The mainspring has been pulled, cleaned and packed with new grease, a big job, but important in order to keep the spring from sticking to itself as it unwinds.

The reproducer with diamond stylus is in good condition. With proper care, this stylus should last another lifetime.

The cabinet has been nicely refinished back to golden oak. This is one of the few Amberola 30s I have seen with its original veneer intact -- the veneer is flaking and peeling on most surviving examples.

I invite you to compare this Amberola with any on a venue such as ebay. This machine is running smoothly and properly. Please note that the diamond stylus for this machine has not been available since 2019, and is unlikely to be available in the near future, so if you purchase a machine with even a slight chip on the stylus from a venue such as ebay you may be looking at hundreds of dollars to locate a good reproducer.

Includes 10 original Edison cylinders.

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