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15 1/2 inch Polyphon music box - unrestored for sale

An unrestored 15 1/2 inch Polyphon music box for the home repairman. This box will need releading, and very likely will need damper work (the damper rail is present). The single comb will require replacement of one tooth. The comb sounds totally dead right now due to the leads/dampers, but should really ring out upon restoration. There's no crank, but I tested the motor and it is working properly. The movement sits in a nice walnut case with semi-decorated lid. This box will also play Regina discs. Do it yourself, and save.

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Lynn Bilton
Box 435
Randolph,OH 44265
330 325-7866


We buy, sell, and repair antique phonographs and music boxes.

Pick-up and delivery possible in many parts of the midwest,south, and northeast.

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